
FDCA是Ray Cheung 先生创建的,主营加拿大和美国食品饮品出口的专业公司。目前旗下包含JR兰博咨询公司(JR Laboratories Consultant Ltd. )和加拿大佳酿有限公司(Canada Best Wines & Spirits Inc. )。本集团在食品饮品方面提供私人定制服务,以满足顾客需求为宗旨。

Ray Cheung 1975年毕业于UBC 农业科学院食品科学系后,在加拿大农业部乳品检验所工作,30年前创建了著名的JR兰博(JR Laboratories Inc. )和JR兰博咨询公司(JR Laboratories Consultant Ltd. ),承担了大部分加拿大进出口以及美国进口加拿大的食品、饮料、酒类和营养品的检测检验工作,他熟知加美两国食品饮品业的内在质量和当地优质的品牌及厂家。从2003年起,JR兰博咨询公司还为中国食品药品监督局、卫生部、出入境检验检疫局和农业部及其下属机构培训了万余人。正是有了这30多年的工作经验和阅历,RayCheung先生萌生了将北美优质的产品出口到中国的梦想。

FDCA在中国各地拥有发达的营销网络,覆盖全国大部分省会城市及大中小型城市,竭诚为每一位顾客提供最可靠、完善的服务,确保在第一时间将您订购的产品准确地送达指定地点。 FDCAG在中国的战略合作伙伴: 重庆加枫国际贸易有限公司(。 为了更好的保障客户的利益,JR兰博咨询公司在加拿大农业部支持下同安省葡萄酒理事会合资投入300万加币,正在开发最为先进的辨别真伪的溯源系统,不久的将来即可投入使用。


It has been my long ambition to start this business using my previous technical skills, overseas business experience and passion of building success. One of the best products in Canada recognized globally is the most celebrated Canadian icewine. Icewine is truly very special as the icewine is processed at such unique conditions with only few countries in the world could duplicate this capability. In addition, it is highly concentrated as it takes 10 ice grapes to produce only one drop of high grade pure juice giving this amazing full flavour profile and rich in health benefit. Canadian icewine is considered as the gold standard as the most concentrated and purest icewine in the world. Our products are the market leader with sales over 90% of market share and the rest of countries hold about 10% of other brands of ice wines in the market place.

With the background of understanding the history and culture of the rapid growing emerging countries such as China’s economy, our business model is to brand the highest VQA quality standard of Canadian icewines for the export market focussing the demands of the Chinese segment. Our company (FDCA) has capitalized on important opportunities in China brought about our knowledgeable management team and the growing popularity of high quality Canadian icewine. During the past year the Chinese market in China consumed 90 million bottles of red wine with growing appetite for other high quality wines. At the level of strategic management and as a result of the cooperative efforts, FDCA has successfully expanded into the high-end market segments by enlarging the market penetration across China and our commitment to offer personal services to our distribution network. In addition, FDCA offers great competitive prices and profit margins through volume pricing arrangements with our key certified suppliers in Canada.

It is also essential to highlight the role of management support to technology, central to FDCA’s strategy is the information tracking system where we adopt the barcode-type technology to track vital information such as the origin of the icewine, batch quantity, quality control, inventories tracking, store outlets,etc. FDCA has a clear strategic vision to offer our clients the highest and purest best quality of icewine which set us apart from other suppliers. We guarantee our products to be the best quality and 100% natural pure icewine from the origin of Canada.

Our Canadian icewine products in China have been growing rapidly to become the # 1 player in the Chinese market with sales distribution network throughout China. In the short and medium time frame, we would promote the adoption of our marketing strategy and actively expanding our presence by seeking additional strong partners throughout major cities in China. I am confident the future promises to be bright and successful for FDCA and our partners.



地址: 7-11460 Voyageur Way Richmond BC Canada V6X 3E1
电话: 778-297-3880        传真:778–297-3885        手机: 778-895-6816


地址: 15376 Niagara Parkway, R.R. #1 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada L0S 1J0
电话: 1-905-380-1886           手机: 1-905-380-1886
大陆直拨: 950-4033-4261 (市话收费)


地址: 6019 Maynard Way Edmonton AB T6R0P7
电话: 780-708-5129 ·


地址: #129C - 1335 Bear Mountain Parkway, Victoria, BC, V9B 6T9
电话: 778-533-1286


公司名称: 北京金惠亚太经贸发展有限公司
地址: 北京市朝阳区朝阳北路199号摩码大厦7层
电话:010-8571-1663          传真:010- 8571-1665


FDCA主营加拿大和美国食品饮品出口的专业公司。目前旗下包含JR兰博咨询公司(JR Laboratories Consultant Ltd. )和加拿大佳酿有限公司(Canada Best Wines & Spirits Inc. )。本集团在食品饮品方面提供私人定制服务,以满足顾客需求为宗旨。



玛格诺塔(Magnotta )酒庄是加拿大获得最多奖项殊荣的葡萄酒酒庄,酒庄精益求精的产品获得各种奖项超过4000个。酒庄在当地被评为年度最佳企业和加拿 大优秀企业50强之一。


  • 2013 BTI_ 2008 G.Marquis Vidal Icewine

  • 2013 BTI_ 2012 Rhapsody SR

  • GOLD_G.Marquis2009VidalIcewineVQA2014

  • SILVER_G.Marquis2009VidalIcewineVQA

  • 2013SanFranciscoInt'l_2008G.MarquisVidalIcewine

  • 2013BTI_GOLD_CabFrancIcewine

  • 2013ChallnegeInt'lDuVin_SILVER_CabFrancIcewine

  • 2014Int'lWineChallenge_SILVER_CabFrancIcewine

  • 2014VinaliesInternationales_SILVER_CabFrancIcewine

侯爵维代尔冰酒(G. MARQUIS Vidal Icewine VQA 375ml)近2年荣获以下奖项:

2013 San Francisco International Wine Competition – DOUBLE GOLD / BEST ICEWINE

2013 Beverage Testing Institute – GOLD 

2014 International Wine Challenge - Gold Wine Winner

2012 狂想曲特殊珍藏版或铜奖
2012 Rhapsody Special Reserve VQA or 2013 Beverage Testing Institute – BRONZE

2013 Beverage Testing Institute – BRONZE